Free workshops offered by Healthy Living for ME

Participants can join from the comfort of their own home
Wed, 05/06/2020 - 1:00pm

    Healthy Living for ME is now offering free Virtual Tai Chi for Health and Balance and Better Health Now programs that participants can join in from home.

    Virtual Tai Chi for Health and Balance transforms the popular Tai Chi program to a virtual environment. This 16-session class can help quiet the mind with slow methodical movements that have been proven to improve balance and lessen the pain associated with arthritis.

    Better Health Now is a six-week interactive program that can be completed from the comfort of participant’s home and includes weekly support calls with a certified facilitator. Participants learn techniques for action planning, problem solving, decision making, and more.

    If you are interested in Better Health Now or Virtual Tai Chi for Health and Balance programs, visit for more information and to register. Contact Healthy Living for ME directly to register at or by calling 1-800-620-6036. Healthy Living for ME is a statewide network of evidence-based programs that empower adults to address and better manage their health issues. All workshops are listed at

    This project was supported, in part, by grant number 90CSSG0013-01-02 and grant number 90FPSG0021-01-01 from the Administration on Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C., 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their ­findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.