letter to the editor

Retiring from practice

Mon, 05/23/2022 - 2:15pm

Dear Editor:

I am writing to let your readers and my patients know that I will be retiring from orthopedic practice at LincolnHealth on Aug. 1. This has been a very difficult decision, made with mixed emotions, but I feel that the time has come. Thirty-two years ago I joined Ed White to practice orthopedic surgery here at Miles. Where has the time gone?

I want to thank all of my patients for their trust and confidence in me over the years. It has been a privilege to take care of you and get to know you on a personal basis. Living in a small town and getting to know my patients for the past 32 years has been especially rewarding and enjoyable.

Practicing at Miles Memorial Hospital/LincolnHealth has been a very special experience. I have watched it grow over the years while maintaining its commitment to providing the best patient care possible. This commitment to excellence has been constant and outstanding, making it very easy to practice here. I am very proud of the hospital and I know it will continue to provide excellent medical care to the community.

But a hospital is only a building made of bricks and mortar. What makes it special are the people that work there. The staff at LincolnHealth are the most kind, caring and committed people that I have ever worked with. It has been my pleasure to work with these gems over the past three decades.

I could not have had a better place to live and practice orthopedic surgery than Damariscotta, Maine. This is a very unique and special community and it was a great place for Karen and me to raise our family. The support we have had has been fantastic.

It goes without saying that we plan on staying around town. I am looking forward to having more time for fishing, hiking, cooking on the grill and hanging out around the house. When winter comes, I will be skiing at Sugarloaf and playing hockey.

Once again thanks to all for your kind support over the years and I’ll see you around town.

Many thanks.

Sean Moran MD
