Wiscasset Municipal Airport

It’s just fill: Airport gets dirt donation

No big project, manager says
Fri, 05/23/2014 - 6:30pm

    Wiscasset Municipal Airport Manager Ervin Deck has been getting calls lately.

    So has the town office, all with the same query: People want to know what the story is with the fill just inside the airport’s fence along Route 144.

    One caller the other day asked if Route 144 was being moved, Deck said.

    There’s no big project, he said in an interview on May 23. The clean fill, continuing to be trucked in and leveled, was donated by Harry C. Crooker & Sons. The contractor had clean fill to spare, and the airport has a dip in the land just beyond the runway, Deck said.

    The fill will fill in that dip. “So it’ll actually add to the safety of the runway,” Deck said.

    The amount delivered will total between 2,000 and 4,000 cubic yards, he said.