Mary’s Musings

Get your act together

Wed, 03/29/2017 - 8:45am

It appears that it has taken the proposed changes in the Affordable Care Act to put some Republicans and some Democrats on the same side, albeit it for different reasons. For the first time in ages, conservative House members of the GOP, and Democrats on the other side of the aisle, voted to oppose the recommended GOP changes in health care.  When it became apparent the proposed bill didn’t have the needed votes to pass, Speaker Paul Ryan yanked it.

Both sides are disappointed. Some want more of the current health care benefits retained, while others want the staggering costs contained. All do agree, however, that the present health care plan needs to be improved. Those who pay for their own health care insurance have seen their premiums skyrocket – not what had been promised under the new legislation. The federally funded plan is also proving to be more than the budget can withstand, and some predict that if left as is, it will be bankrupt in no time flat.

The Affordable Care Act hasn’t brought down drug costs for most families, except those who pay nothing under the plan anyway, and generally speaking, many in Congress and elsewhere believe that we must find ways to lower drug costs even if it means we purchase them outside our own country. Statistics continue to be thrown around which insist we pay far more for drugs than those in nearly every country in the world, and it appears it’s a fact.

We agree with those who say while it’s sad the two political parties couldn’t have come to some sort of agreement on revamping the Affordable Care Act last week, in the long run it may have been the best possible scenario because while it’s still essential that we correct current mistakes in the law, perhaps  cooler heads will prevail now with more time to work out a compromise proposal which will satisfy most – not all – of those on both sides of the aisle. We must admit that seeing how the two political parties often refuse to compromise on anything often reminds us of Pres. Trump’s threat to “drain the swamp’’ and start with new legislators who can bring a whole new perspective to issues.

The Affordable Care Act needs some changes. We’ll all be watching to see if those with opposing views can finally work together and make it happen.