From the Assistant Editor

Safe, solemn and successful

Wed, 05/24/2017 - 7:30am

May the weather be fair and attendance strong at area Memorial Day observances, including Wiscasset’s at 9 a.m. at the veterans’ wall. Monday is a day off for most, and the cap on the near-summer holiday weekend, but foremost we need to honor those who served and sacrificed.

So if it rains, come anyway, if you can. It’s the least we can do. A big showing would be a great thing for our veterans and our children to see. Fill the municipal building lawn this year.

May the tourist season this weekend ushers in be successful. Help make it so. Smile on the street. In line, ask people where they’re from and what brought them to town. Thank them for coming here.

And if you spend this weekend socializing or driving long distances, play it smart, for your sake and everyone else on the road. Don’t drive tired or drunk. How about a record-low summer for highway fatalities in Maine? Let’s do this.

Make this long weekend all it can be: Productive on those things you need to get to, fun if you are fortunate to be with family or friends, and respectful of servicemen and women past and present and their families. Time has value. Spend it well.