Pemaquid Chapter Daughters drawing attention to Constitution Week, September 17-23

Fri, 09/15/2017 - 8:45am

The monthly meeting of the Pemaquid Chapter, D.A.R. was held at the Lincoln Home on Tuesday, Sept. 12. The meeting agenda focused on plans to draw attention to the Constitution, the supreme law of the United States during Constitution Week, Sept. 17-23. This very important document is the shortest one of its kind in the world and the most enduring. The Chapter Vice Regent, Louise Brown, is collecting Proclamations from 16 towns in Lincoln County and the Chapter is planning to put tabletop displays in schools and libraries around the area.

In addition to Constitution Week awareness, the meeting discussed “Service To America” volunteer hours that D.A.R. members in the Chapter are contributing in their local towns and communities every day by providing help to neighbors especially veterans, the elderly and the local schools. Plans are in the works for the Chapter to donate gift cards to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Plans for the 85th year celebration in November of the Chapter’s founding in 1932 will now include a “card game skit” being written by Barbara Belknap that depicts the women in 1932 and how they raised money for the important work they did back then. The Chapter is about to welcome three new members. Anyone with a love of history and a desire to find out more about their connection to the founding of this country are encouraged to contact the Chapter Regent, Audrey Miller.

Pemaquid Chapter has a number of items available to educators in Lincoln County and anyone who would like them. They are: A Constitution booklet, A Trivia Quiz on the Constitution, and The Preamble to the Constitution in bookmark form. If anyone would like a free copy of any of these items, please call Audrey Miller at 207-633-6545.