Behind Closed Doors at Castle Tucker

Tue, 07/10/2018 - 7:00am

    Come and peek into the nooks and crannies of Castle Tucker on a Behind Closed Doors Tour, Saturday, July 14 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. There is something new to see whether you are a first-time or repeat visitor on this leisurely in-depth tour that includes rooms and stories not included on the general tour. Located at 2 Lee Street in Wiscasset, this unique mansion is filled with the original furnishings and decoration of the Tucker family who lived here for over 140 years. Admission is $10 for members of Historic New England, $15 for nonmembers. Advance registration and payment is required. Space is limited. To purchase, call 207-882-7169 or buy online at

    Castle Tucker was built in 1807 by one of Wiscasset’s most prominent citizens, Congressman and Judge Silas Lee. In 1858, Captain Richard Tucker Jr., scion of a prominent Wiscasset shipping family, bought the house for his new and growing family. The Tuckers updated and redecorated to reflect the fashions and styles of their time, much of it in a style popularized by one of America’s earliest lifestyle connoisseurs, Andrew Jackson Downing. Very little was changed in the house after 1900, including a kitchen with four generations of kitchen technology still in place where it was used. Castle Tucker is one of the most complete and original Victorian homes in the United States.

    Historic New England is the oldest, largest, and most comprehensive regional heritage organization in the nation, telling the stories of over 400 years of life in New England through its historic houses, collections, publications and programs. Learn more at