From the editor

Doing nothing?

Wed, 12/01/2021 - 9:00am

    Have you heard about Niksen? Maybe you’ve heard of its translation, nixing?

    Niksen is a Dutch verb which means “doing nothing.” It has been used to deal with work-related health problems, such as stress and burnout.

    I was a bit intrigued when I recently came upon the term. Perhaps it was because I found an online article about it just before I went on vacation last week.

    Well, doing nothing is pretty tough for me, even when I am on vacation, and even more so this time of year for everyone when holiday stuff needs to be done – decorating, shopping, attending events and more.

    Coming back to work on Monday, nixing was not on my mind, as the next issue had to get ready to be published and there was work to be done … same with Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.

    But I can see the benefits of doing nothing. You just sit or stand and let the world pass by without much thinking, worrying, planning, answering emails or phone calls, having a conversation with someone. Just existing. Keep calm – like those popular T-shirt logos suggest.

    With the hustle and bustle of the season upon us, perhaps I (and you) could practice Niksen once in a while so the stress doesn’t creep in. It might help to take a break from “doing” and just sit and stare at what’s in front of you. Or just find a quiet place to “veg out,” as one might say.

    Happy holidays, be calm and stay safe.