letter to the editor

Return Heller to select board

Mon, 05/22/2023 - 3:30pm

Dear Editor:

Terry Heller continues to amaze us with her love for her adopted hometown of Wiscasset, and her dedication to wise management of town affairs. She just can’t get enough of this place, from summer waterfront activities to winter holiday decorations on main street, you can count on her being there, and if the setting permits it, offering keyboard accompaniment. Just yesterday, May 19, we spotted her with Garden Club and Appearance of the Town Committee members filling the town traffic islands with spring plantings, the kind of hands-on participation that shows where her heart is.

On the Select Board, where she has been sitting for two years, her focus has been on finding new avenues towards economic development, and dealing with neglected matters such as maintenance of costly equipment, to avoid big expenses down the road. She backed establishing a solar business and a senior living facility in Wiscasset, and advocates hiring a town planner, restarting passenger rail service, and exploiting Wiscasset’s prime waterfront. At the same time, fiscal discipline is a must for her, and during her term the board has avoided tax increases.

Terry believes in leadership that stays in touch with people, and she is constantly demonstrating that she has the disposition and the taste for that. Returning her to the town Select Board would be a win for Wiscasset.

Wendy Ross and Tom Eichler
