From the editor

Supplement season nearly done

Wed, 06/05/2024 - 9:00am

Five out of seven of our yearly supplements are done, printed and available. The sixth, the Dining Guide, is just about ready to be sent to the printer.

We wish to thank all of our advertisers for supporting these free supplements which provide information as well as an added financial boost to the company.

The 2024 supplement season begins with the Health & Wellness guide, which we put together in late winter and print on newsprint. As spring approaches, the Home & Landscapes supplement is the first of six glossy publications to be distributed throughout the region.

Our sister newspaper, Pen Bay Pilot, puts together the Spring/Summer Wave, which is a “seasonal take on Midcoast life” and features stories and advertisers from Knox and Waldo counties.

The Windjammer Days supplement, which is organized annually by Arts and Entertainment Editor Lisa Kristoff, was printed in late May and is being distributed to local establishments and will be available during the festival.

Summertime, our largest supplement at 68 pages, features a beautiful cover photo of lupine taken by staff member Steve Edwards. The publication takes several months to organize and produce and we will soon be planning the 2025 edition.

The Dining Guide, organized yearly by Assistant Editor Susan Johns, will feature wonderful photos of the various foods offered in the region, as well as ads and menus from the advertisers.

The final guide of 2024 will be Pen Bay Pilot’s Fall/Winter Wave, slated to be published in late September..

We wish to thank designers Gary Dow and Steve Edwards, as well as advertising salespersons Kathy Frizzell, Sarah Morley and Janis Bunting, for helping the editorial staff produce these wonderful supplements.

Personally, I would like to thank our Register writers – Lisa Kristoff, Susan Johns, Bill Pearson, Fritz Freudenberger, Jane Carpenter, Candi Joneth, Isabelle Curtis and Jenny Bennett – for their added work for these publications.