Trail work volunteers needed in Woolwich

Wed, 07/25/2018 - 8:15am

Pull out your work gloves on Saturday, July 28 and help the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust (KELT) maintain one of the trails at Merrymeeting Fields Preserve in Woolwich from 9 a.m. to noon. Learn how to prevent wet feet and protect trails from erosion through the use of bog bridges and water bars. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn hands-on construction techniques and build some much-needed waterbars on the preserve.

This is a light rain or shine event and is geared for adult volunteers. Participants should bring works gloves and wear closed toed shoes and clothing that can get wet and/or muddy. Please let us know you will be lending a hand by calling 207-442-8400 or online at

To get to the preserve: Take Route 1 North to Route 127 (just across Bath bridge on the left). Take North on 127 to Route 128 and turn left. Follow about 6 miles to Chopps Point Road, turn left. 0.9 miles to parking lot and kiosk on right.