Westport Island gives, gets thanks; eyes pandemics exhibit

Tue, 08/04/2020 - 8:00am

    From a generator to items that helped pull off town meeting and elections in a pandemic, Westport Island officials thanked people Monday night and got thanked for their help on something else, the Wright Landing House project.

    First Selectman George Richardson said the history committee has moved items from the old town hall into the house that will be home to a history center. He thanked the committee’s volunteers. Member Gaye Wagner said the center may have a theme now for its opening exhibit: Pandemics past and present in Westport Island.

    An application for Keep Maine Healthy funds toward the exhibit reads in part: “This would be useful for heightening awareness of our current public health situation and for putting CDC guidelines and recommendations in an historical context as well as for preparing us for fighting future public health crises.

    “Funds would be used to pay for the supplies, equipment and print services needed to mount a museum-quality display; for the costs of developing print materials and disseminating the educational story island-wide; and for supplying the space with sanitizing supplies, masks and signage promoting social distancing. Dissemination of the exhibit will include digital mediums, e.g., the town website, the town Facebook page and perhaps Maine Memory Network, (and) print mediums, including the cost of an island-wide newsletter mailing to everyone on the island, (and) local media outlets,” the application states.

    Wagner expected to know later this week if the town will get the funds. She called it a long shot, because the town won funds for other items in the first round and preference will go to towns that did not. She told selectmen in the UberConference call, pandemics might still be the theme for the first exhibit even if the state funds don’t come through.

    Wagner added in a post-meeting email to reporters, “Hopefully such an exhibit would be interesting to people as well as remind us all that we have traveled this road before and have overcome the challenge by following public health guidance and making the health of our families, neighbors and communities a priority.”

    After Richardson thanked the history committee, chair Jeff Tarbox gave thanks in return: “We really appreciate the support the town has given us to make all this possible.”

    And Richardson read aloud Richard and Mary Coventry’s July 28 letter that came with their $1,000 donation toward a handicap ramp and new windows at Wright Landing House. “We are grateful to the selectmen and the Wright Landing Committee for the support they have given to the ... renovation and history center ... and the opportunity it provides Westport Island citizens to showcase our history and culture,” Richardson quoted the letter. 

    Also Monday, Richardson thanked E. Davies Allen “very much” for paying $1,000 for an old generator Richardson said the fire department gave the town. That money and Federal Emergency Management Agency funds will get the town office a new propane-fueled generator, he said. Selectman Gerald Bodmer said the generator will be installed Oct. 5.

    “Awesome,” said Wagner, also the town’s deputy EMA director.

    Selectmen approved sending Lincoln County Emergency Management Agency Director Casey Stevens a letter of thanks for lending the town the mobile WiFi units, tents and portable generators to help elections and town meeting meet Gov. Janet Mills’ emergency order on public gatherings. “The support of Lincoln County EMA and the Maine Department of Economic & Community Development helped us carry out both events successfully,” the letter states. “Had we not had the WiFi on July 9 to test the reception before Election Day, we would not have been able to function at the town office that day. A tree down just over the bridge took out our internet service provider Spectrum all day.

    “We are very sorry that a damaging rain on Election Day destroyed one of your tents. We appreciate your gracious accommodation of this loss.  Please let us know if there is anything you need from us,” the letter continues. Wagner said in the meeting, she felt horrible about the tent. “But I just genuinely appreciate that he has been so gracious about this.”