Wiscasset Budget Committee votes 4-2 on school budget

Vote non-binding
Thu, 04/19/2018 - 8:45am

After reviewing the school budget, the Wiscasset Budget Committee voted 4-2 April 16, approving the budget. Six of the eight members were present.

The main consideration for those who voted against it was the portion allocated to special education. Member Fred Quivey showed the change over the last five years for Wiscasset, according to the Department of Education. In FY 2014-15, the cost of special education was $1,167,853; it has risen regularly since then until the 2018-19 budget; the amount was $2,236,703. Three members voted against the special education budget and two of them voted against the full budget.

All the other budget items were voted for, including regular instruction, career and technical education which has a zero budget because the state picks up the costs, other instruction, student and staff support, system administration, school administration, transportation and buses, facilities and maintenance, food service transfer, and debt service, which had a zero budget.

The committee’s vote is non-binding. It will appear on the school warrant and will be reported to the selectmen by Superintendent of Schools Heather Wilmot April 24.