Woolwich hears from solar company rep
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Woolwich selectmen heard a presentation Monday evening from a Denver-based solar energy developer.
Salar Naini, vice president of business development for Turning Point Energy, said Maine’s recently enacted solar initiatives make community and commercial solar investment more attractive. Turning Point Energy has done solar projects in 17 states.
Naini said his company’s solar projects can be financed through power purchase agreements. The company identifies a suitable site and determines if there would be interest in the project. Electricity generated from the site is metered and tied into the grid. The company hadn’t yet identified any potential Woolwich sites, added Naini.
Two years ago, the town invested in a solar array at the former landfill off Middle Road. The 80-panel array was financed through a power purchase agreement between the town and Revision Energy, a Maine-based company.
In other business, Road Commissioner Jack Shaw said paving had been completed on East Hedge and Mountain roads.
Fire Chief Mike Demers said the department responded to 11 calls in the last two weeks – four motor vehicle related, two mutual aid and one involving a child locked in a vehicle. Demers thanked Shaws Construction for arranging to have a load of asphalt delivered to the department’s North Station to repair the parking area.
The board appointed Allen Greene, Tom Stoner, Jennifer Ritch-Smith, Bill Longley, Sayra Small to the Maijuana Ordinance Committee. Susan Mikesell and Barbara Sawhill were named as alternates. Paul Goscinski was appointed to the agriculture committee. The board set aside the evening of Sept. 4 for staff and department head evaluations.
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