Lincoln County Commissioners

Deeds now searchable to 1761 online

Deputy named supervisor of Midcoast MDEA
Wed, 12/05/2018 - 8:45am

The Deeds office announced Tuesday, it has done more digital conversion for deeds from 1761 to 1898. View the documents at This conversion is part of a larger movement toward digitization of county records, especially older ones at a greater risk of loss due to fire, water damage,  or the destruction of microfilm or other older media forms.

The cost for this phase of the project is $16,016.36, according to County Administrator Carrie Kipfer.

Sheriff Todd Brackett announced Sgt. Jason Pease was promoted in his work at the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency in Thomaston. With the resignation of his brother to return to full-time police work in Rockland, Pease was promoted to Midcoast supervisor for MDEA. Commissioners also accepted a $2,783.56 Highway Safety Grant for seatbelt enforcement over Memorial Day weekend. Brackett also has authorization for winter tires and more vests and carrier jackets.

Casey Stevens announced he received funding for an AM radio station for emergencies. More funding is expected next year. The initial funding will be used to identify tower sites that do not have environmental or historic preservation issues. Stevens also updated commissioners on the Project Lifesaver program. There are currently two participants after one person left for a residential center.

Kipfer announced a job description for a  part-time receptionist at the Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission office. The seven-hour job will focus on communications, email, media, and social media work.