Reports give Wiscasset selectmen snapshot of town business

Tue, 07/23/2019 - 2:30pm

    Supporting documents for Tuesday night’s meeting of the Wiscassset Select Board included monthly and year-end summaries from department heads to Town Manager John O’Connell.

    EMS Director Dennis Simmons reported the ambulance department received 60 calls in June; 29 were from Wiscasset, 20 from Dresden and others involved Westport Island and Boothbay.

    Simmons noted the ambulance department’s June call volume was up 20 percent from May. He reported Wiscasset Ambulance Service responded to 773 calls last year, including 502 in Wiscasset.

    “We received 11 applications for the deputy director’s position, several of which were internal candidates,” wrote Simmons.

    He further noted the department’s EMS 1 Academy, the computer-based learning management system, is up and running.

    “This system provides online continuing education to our providers to insure they are up to date on the latest information. It also helps with continuing education hours (required) for relicensing,” wrote Simmons.

    Wiscasset Police Department responded to 445 calls last month; 12 were motor vehicle accidents, according to Police Chief Lawrence Hesseltine’s monthly report.

    Police made 33 motor vehicle stops and issued seven traffic tickets. June arrests were made for criminal trespass, criminal mischief, burglary and domestic violence.

    “The police department continues to struggle filling 24/7 shifts relying on part-time staff which is not always available,” wrote Hesseltine.

    Public Works Director Ted Snowdon reported the highway department has requested bids for paving of Cushman Point and Clark’s Point roads.

    Placing speed bumps and a new stop sign on Lee Street were among a list of last month’s work. Minor repairs were made to the town’s boat launch and on the Main Street, or Creamery Pier.

    Snowdon noted the department has yet to fill the town mechanic vacancy. The town garage is keeping up with maintenance and repairs to equipment, police and emergency vehicles, he wrote.

    Richard Gaeth, superintendent of the treatment plant, noted he recently met with a representative of Maine Department of Environmental Protection about making repairs around an exposed sewer main at Holbrook Pond. DEP provided guidelines for making the repairs.

    Gaeth noted an overnight power outage June 13 affected pump stations on Route 1 and Birch Point and Old Ferry roads.

    “We were fortunate the weather was good and the timing was such that we were able to keep up with most of it until the power was restored,” wrote Gareth. He added, the experience demonstrated the vulnerability of the collection system to a widespread power outage.

    “I will put together a separate report regarding the pump stations and generators.”

    Wiscasset Municipal Airport Manager Rick Tetrev noted the sale of aircraft fuel was up 870 gallons since May for a gross revenue of $20,629. Jet fuel sales had a gross revenue of $988 for the same period.

    Twenty-five aircraft were housed for one night or more bringing in $3,315 fees, he stated in his report.

    Town Clerk Linda Perry reported the town had exceeded its yearly revenue projections for excise taxes collected.

    Auto excise tax totaled $719,193; watercraft, $5,724 with airport excise fees listed as $5,701. Agent fees totaled $15,629, vital fees $2,906.

    Perry stated, as of June 30 all the town’s commercial shellfish licenses had been sold; 12 resident and two non-residents. Recreational shellfish licenses were still available.

    TreasurerVernice Boyce announced the town audit would take place from July 29 through July 31. A bid opening for the annual tax anticipation note is scheduled for the select board’s Aug. 6 meeting.

    In her report for June, Lisa Thompson, parks and recreation director, stated the community center hosted Project Graduation for the Wiscasset Middle High School Class of 2019; 18 graduates attended.

    Fifty-five youngsters registered for the recreation program’s summer camp.

    The community center will be shut down for maintenance from Aug. 24 through Sept 2.

    Code Enforcement Officer Bruce Mullins issued a dozen building permits in June. One was for a new home on Old Dresden Road. Four plumbing permits were issued.

    The supporting documentation did not include a June report from the fire department.

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