Lincoln Home CNA receives award of excellence

Wed, 09/25/2019 - 10:15am

Alisa Grieson, CNA/CRMA, at The Lincoln Home received an Excellence in Long Term Care Award from Maine Health Care Assoc. (MHCA) at the Blaine House in Augusta on Sept. 16. The award recognizes employees statewide who have consistently exemplified a commendable level of caregiving, dedication, and professionalism in caring for their residents/consumers. The award honors caregivers who make a significant positive difference in the lives of residents.

Alisa is a valued CNA/CRMA at The Lincoln Home who is very supportive to her peers and supervisors.  Her peers look to her for answers to questions and see her as a role model. As a provider of exceptional care, Alisa he gets to know each resident and meets them where they are. She is the kind of nurse who sees what someone needs and makes sure she gets it done. One resident came back from the hospital and told Alisa, “You know what you all do here and they don't do there? You all give care with love and kindness.”                      
One resident’s family member shares her story of Alisa, "On a personal note, one phone call that I will never forget epitomizes Alisa's personality and the entire culture at Lincoln Home. We were driving my 97-year -old mother-in-law from Cape Cod to The Lincoln Home. It was a long and stressful ride and I called to say we would be much later than I hoped to arrive. Alisa answered the call, with, “How can we make this better for you? What can we do to help?” Since the day she moved in, Alisa has gone above and beyond, meeting her needs with kindness and compassion.”

At the Lincoln Home, we are proud to have Alisa, who is extremely deserving of this award, as part of our caregiving family.