Blood drive at First Congo Feb. 21

Tue, 02/18/2020 - 8:30am
Beta Sigma Phi Alpha Iota sorority will host its annual Red Cross blood drive at First Congregational Church, 28 High St. in Wiscasset from 1 to 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, member  Peg Averill said.
“My dad, Frank Cromwell from Westport Island, had several blood transfusions during the course of his illness. The blood he received gave him and our family more time,” Averill wrote in an email announcement. “It was the gift of strangers that let us enjoy another birthday, another Christmas, another day. Without the gift of blood donations from total strangers we would not have had those special moments with him.
“I am thankful to anyone and everyone who is willing to roll up their sleeve and at least try to donate. Now when I donate blood I know what a difference it is going to make to someone else. I know it is going to be possibly life saving for them and it is always life changing for me because I know that I am able to give someone, some family the gift that was given to me, more time with a loved one.”
To make an appointment, call 1 800 Red Cross (1 800 733 2767).