LincolnHealth reports 21 cases Aug. 16-22

Thu, 08/26/2021 - 8:30am

LincolnHealth reported 21 COVID-19 cases out of 456 tests for the week of Aug. 16. The numbers are down from 39 cases and 514 tests during the previous week and the percent-positive is down from 7.59% to 4.61%.

Director of Communications John Martins said the COVID-19 Delta variant continues to impact Maine and the rest of the nation. Breakthrough cases, the fully vaccinated testing positive for the virus, are also persisting with five such cases of the 21 reported.

“During the last four weeks, roughly one of every four positive cases were identified as a breakthrough case,” said Martins.

A majority of those cases involved risk factors including household exposure, travel or compromised immune systems, he said. Most of Lincoln County’s breakthrough cases are those over 60 and about 25% of all cases involve those under 18.

Said Martins, “Staff-wise, we continue to work on getting team members vaccinated. There are clinics scheduled, others underway (and) no new policy changes to speak of at this time.”