Ed Thelander announces candidacy for U.S. Congress

Mon, 08/30/2021 - 8:45am

Retired Navy Seal Ed Thelander of Bristol announced his candidacy for Congressional District 1 at the Bath Maritime Museum in a room crowded with over 200 enthusiastic Republicans. The date, Aug. 28, was chosen as it is the 58th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s, “I Have a Dream,” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. It was a day in history when 200,000 Americans peacefully marched and assembled in our Capitol to promote equality for all where men would be judged by their character rather than the color of their skin. The location was chosen to represent Maine’s proud, seagoing heritage and Bath Iron Works long history of building the finest Naval ships in the world.

The event was opened in our Founding Fathers’ custom with an invocation asking for God’s guidance and blessing as our country faces many challenges at home and around the world. Eliza Nelson, this year’s winner of the Lincoln County Republican Committees Helen Weston Scholarship, led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. Demi Kouzounas, the Maine GOP Chairwoman, started her address with a moment of silence in memory of the 13 servicemen who lost their lives in Afghanistan as they protected fleeing Americans and Afghanistan nationals in a country being overrun by the Taliban. After a short address she introduced Ed.

He started with the introduction of Liliana, his wife of 26 years and their three children, who then joined him on stage along with Paul LePage and several of our younger Republicans. He shared how men like Martin Luther King, with his strong and peaceful efforts and his sacrifice for freedom, equality, and belief in America, had inspired him into a life of service for our country. A service that continued after his 21 years in the military including recent work with local law enforcement, a volunteer fire department and work with local schools.

He then spoke of his dream and goal to restore pride in our country and take back the control of the government that our country was founded on, a government in which “we the people” have a voice and are heard. Ed spoke briefly of his service in Yemen and Afghanistan and introduced his interpreter who had served with him in Kabul. Ed expressed the anguish he feels at the abandonment of our citizens and allies and loss of life and the message that is being sent to our allies and enemies around the world.

He then went on to describe his recent visit to the Texas-Mexican border. He described it as a nightmare that went from a tight logical process into a wide-open gate with the potential to have two million poorly vetted and uncontrolled people transported all over the country. He went on to say we need and welcome more immigrants from other countries who can become great citizens, but the process should be in accordance with our policies and laws. He expressed concern for the ballooning national debt and a government that is paying people not to work. A policy that has resulted in our local businesses going from a year without customers to closing because they can not find workers. He also feels that an “Infrastructure Bill” should address roads and bridges and not only account for pennies on the dollar for that work. He also believes in one person, one vote and a process that does not promote fraud. He believes in showing identification, a minimal requirement that almost all free countries require of their voters. He also believes that our children should be taught real American history and our successful struggle for freedom and rights for all – a struggle that has resulted in the greatest, freest, most prosperous, and most generous country in the world.

America is a country that attracts the oppressed from around the world and is a beacon of freedom in an imperfect world. He believes in MLK’s dream, a color-blind society in which all are equal, not a Critical Race Theory in which race and differences are of the paramount importance. He made a promise to respect and care for our Veterans in recognition of their sacrifice and to uphold the promise to our seniors that their Social Security will be safe. He closed with a heartfelt “God Bless you and may God Bless Our America!”