From the editor

Ready, set, go … It’s the holiday season!

Wed, 11/09/2022 - 9:00am

Oh boy, here we go again. It’s the second week in November and the flood of holiday sales, events, TV commercials, specials and movies are upon us, much like the political ads that inundated us during the past six weeks or more.

Then there are the holiday parties, church pageants and plays, 50 channels (exaggerating, but close) of Christmas music on Sirius radio, the decorating, the shopping for that special gift … the list goes on.

Every year there seems to be more pressure to “enjoy” the holiday season but because of everyone’s busy schedules, by the time the new year rolls around, you are either exhausted or wonder why you didn’t enjoy the season.

“Everything in moderation,” as the saying goes. You probably can’t watch all those “perfect and miraculous” Christmas TV programs, buy all “that stuff,” get to every party, decorate like Martha Stewart or Clark Griswold of “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” listen to every Christmas song ever recorded, or try your hand at making a “Taj Mahal” out of gingerbread.

“Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light.” I like that song (and the opening lines). It provides an impetus for just letting the holidays “happen” and not be stressed out because you aren’t able to do “everything” you thought you had to do to “enjoy” the season.

I know there are some people who will cry “Bah Humbug” to this column but aren’t we all a bit tired of the “over-commercialization” of the holidays?

Being with family and friends, decorating some, and going to a few events is probably good enough to enjoy the season if you are feeling stressed out. Keep it simple.

Guess I should now check that string of lights that I put up around the porch each year to see if I need to buy some more!