Press release

Coreysha Stone runs for Alna third selectman

Fri, 01/27/2023 - 8:45am

Coreysha “Rey” Stone, an educator, artist, and flower farmer, is running for third selectperson in Alna. Town elections will take place in March.

Stone currently serves as a volunteer member of the Alna Road Committee. Over the past nine months, she has worked with fellow residents to develop fiscally responsible, long-term infrastructure plans for the town’s roadways. “Creating long-term plans for our roadways helps to ensure safety for our residents, and allows us to make the best use of our town’s resources,” said Stone. “I’ve enjoyed the collaborative process and hearing the different perspectives of those who serve on the committee with me.”

Stone is the third generation of her family to reside on her property in West Alna; her two children, ages 12 and 17, are the fourth, and she feels very rooted to the town. “The people and the natural beauty of this part of Maine inspire me,” she said. “I’m excited to give back to a community that has meant so much to my family.”

If elected, Stone promises to uphold the highest ethical standards and to collaborate respectfully with her neighbors. “Listening to the ideas of fellow residents and respecting their individual differences is key to developing solutions for our town. By listening to each other, we can build connections and preserve the uniqueness of Alna to create a clear path for the town’s future.”