letter to the editor

Running for Wiscasset selectman

Mon, 05/01/2023 - 2:45pm

Dear Editor:

To the Citizens of Wiscasset:

I grew up in South Portland and I fondly remember my family traveling up and down Route One to visit our relatives during the 1950s and 1960s. I always looked forward to Wiscasset as I was fascinated by the two schooners in the Harbor. The Hesper and Luther Little, along with Red’s, Big Al’s and LaGarage were Wiscasset’s big draw over the years. Tourists loved them all and spoke often of them.

Today, we still have Red’s and the other properties have transitioned to new owners and businesses working hard to bring business traffic to town. One of my goals as a Selectman is to make Wiscasset ‘Business Friendly’ by reducing the processes they must endure to become established. We need to work on streamlining the process to encourage more business development. Visitors are looking for a variety of establishments to attract them for a day-long visit to Wiscasset. We have numerous empty storefronts that should be occupied by enthusiastic business owners.

During the 14 years I have lived in Wiscasset, I have seen several town managers and numerous department heads come and go. Our Town Manager, Dennis Simmons, has put together the best team I have seen. This group works cohesively to correct many ignored or incomplete projects. Looking at their goals inspired me to seek a Selectman’s seat in our upcoming Town Election on June 13. I have the experience, skills, and desire to work with them on the issues facing Wiscasset and the residents.

I look forward to working with this effective team to tackle the issues I hear most often: taxes are too high; Wiscasset needs more businesses to help relieve the tax burden on residents; the Waterfront is the most underutilized asset the town has; can we think outside the box to bring cost effective efficiencies to the town?

Wiscasset needs a Selectboard of fiscally responsible members who will work to reduce taxes, stabilize the Reserve Fund, encourage business development, understand, and recognize, the needs of all residents while maintaining our infrastructure with creative long-range planning. I ask for your support on June 13 to put a Select Board in place to achieve these important goals.

Don Davis
