letter to the editor

November ballot Question 3 vote no

Mon, 10/23/2023 - 4:30pm

Dear Editor:

We need to vote our informed consciences and not be drawn into and believe the media propaganda that will ramp up as we get closer to Nov. 7.

Question 3 is a huge problem for Mainers. It will take over two of the largest electric utilities by eminent domain. It will create a government-controlled power authority. The cost will be millions of dollars of debt. It will take decades for Maine electric customers to repay the debt through higher electric bills. It will take a decade before we see any repair or replacement of the grid. Meanwhile electric rates will continue to climb. The final takeover bonds are estimated at $13.5 billion in debt that each electric customer will be taxed with over $17,000.

There will be once again lawyers involved in litigation over valuation of assets, making Maine lawyers richer and Mainers paying their fees by higher electric bills.

Keep in mind a board to oversee this Authority will be elected in 2025 and they don’t work for free. Salaries for this board will be established and over 10 years or more, I am sure they will receive raises. The staff will not be hired till the fall of 2033 to develop operations.

Why would the board not have this in place? After all they are getting paid for 10 years to take over the electrical grid. Operations should be developed over that time period. This is government working at it best.

Don’t forget that the Legislature voted for a deadline for Maine’s 2030 Climate Action Plan. By 2030 Maine should have 219,000 electric vehicles, 130,000 homes using electric heat pumps and a 45% reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions. All of this is going to be done with an electric drid that is well over the due date to be replaced now. In 10 years we will be with more power outages and people paying more money for electric cars that will cost more than gas vehicles. How is this going to help a Mainer Down East when there is not a charging station in the area?

Reject the creation of the Pine Tree Power Co. Vote no on Question 3.

Mary Lou Daxland

VP Maine Republican Assembly
