Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust to host volunteer fair

Wed, 03/13/2024 - 12:30pm

    Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust is hosting a volunteer fair from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 27 in the Denny Conservation and Education Center at Round Top Farm in Damariscotta. 

    Coastal Rivers relies on hundreds of volunteers for all aspects of its work, including many of its community science projects, nature education programs, trail maintenance, and conservation and stewardship activities. These volunteers have a direct impact on the environment and the community.  

    Data collected by volunteers through the water quality monitoring program not only keep swimmers safe, but have been used at the legislative level to shape policy. Trail volunteers help create and maintain a network of trails in the region that are enjoyed by thousands of people every year. Volunteer docents greet visitors at the Beachcombers’ Discovery Center at Pemaquid Beach Park or help with programs at Salt Bay Farm. 

    Coastal Rivers staff are seeking volunteers for these and many other roles. Some are new initiatives, while some programs have been ongoing for many years. There are one-off opportunities, and others that are seasonal or year-round. Some can be done on an individual basis, and others with a group.  

    The fair will start with pizza and a slideshow presentation, followed by a chance to talk to staff and ask questions. This will be an opportunity for potential new volunteers to learn about Coastal Rivers’ volunteer needs and how to get involved.  

    This event is free of charge. Registration is required at  

    Anyone interested in volunteering who is unable to attend may also visit the website or contact Coastal Rivers for a volunteer application form. 

    Coastal Rivers is a non-profit, member-supported, nationally accredited land trust caring for the lands and waters of the Damariscotta-Pemaquid Region by conserving special places, protecting water quality, creating trails and public access, and deepening connections to nature through education programs. For more information, email or visit