Rotary Auction moving to high school

Mon, 01/22/2018 - 11:45am

After years of success, the Rotary Auction has outgrown its traditional spot on the Boothbay Common. This year’s upcoming Auction will be held at Boothbay Region High School. Plans are in place for an expanded space with more conveniently placed tents and parking. Rotary Auction co-chairs Debbie Graves and Laurie Zimmerli have already been hard at work arranging the many details involved in this most important of the Rotary Club of Boothbay Harbor’s fundraisers. The Auction provides much of the revenue the Rotary Club uses to benefit the community in many ways.

Spring may seem far off, but it’s not too soon to think about spring cleaning and getting rid of items you no longer use and benefiting the community at the same time! Furniture (no appliances please), dishes, books, children’s items, art … all in good condition that would give pleasure to someone else, can be donated. The Rotary will pick up your items and take them to the barn for storage until auction time. Call Auction co-chair Deb Graves at 380-3550.