Warm weather results in Woolwich road postings

Thu, 02/08/2024 - 8:45am

    Due to unseasonably warm temperatures Woolwich’s heavy load limits for vehicular traffic are going into effect about a week earlier than usual, according to Road Commissioner Jack Shaw.

    “The posting goes by the weather, not the date on the calendar,” Shaw told the select board Wednesday night, Feb. 7; the night before the heavy load limits were to take effect. “We’ll have to be quite strict this year too because the warmer temperatures have softened up the unpaved roads.”

    The heavy load limits apply to any vehicle exceeding a gross registered weight of 23,000 pounds. It prohibits them from traveling on posted roads until the ban is lifted, typically in mid-April. Although permission is occasionally granted under certain circumstances, it will not be granted to allow for new home construction added Shaw. Posted roads include: Bailey Bluff Drive, Baker Drive, Barley Neck Road, Birchwood Road, Brushwood Road, Carlton Point Road, Cedar Street, Chop Point Road, Chopps Cross Road, D Street, Dana Mill Road, Delano Road, East Hedge Road, Ferry Road, George Wright Road and Gray Corner Road. For additional information contact the road commissioner at 443-3932.

    Town Administrator Kim Dalton said the deadline was fast approaching for submissions to the annual Town Report. Dalton said all materials had to be received by the town office by Thursday, Feb. 15. This year’s annual town meeting will be held at the Woolwich Central School, 6 p.m., Thursday, April 24. The selectboard will continue work on the 2024-25 budget Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 13, reviewing the fire and ambulance department budgets.

    EMS Director Danny Evarts said the ambulance department continues to be busy responding to 32 calls in January. Evarts noted the department had hired another certified EMT to the department who would be working on a per diem basis.

    Fire Chief Shaun Merrill said the fire department had responded to 10 calls over the past two weeks. Merrill added he was hoping to find grant monies to purchase needed traffic control equipment, including safety vests, traffic cones, lights etc.

    Chairman David King Sr. said local contractor Dale Reno owner of D.A.R Construction had offered to continue repainting the 1837 Town House on the Old Stage Road. “He’s offered to donate the labor if we provide him with the paint and other materials he needs,” said King. Reno repainted two sides on the historic building last year. The selectboard carries on a tradition of meeting there once every year in June.

    The select board noted the Town Office will be closed on Monday, Feb. 19 in observance of Presidents’ Day.