American Legion Post 36

Mon, 05/16/2022 - 6:00pm

As you have read in the Register last week, we have elected our new slate of officers for the 2022-2023 term. I am excited that Robin Ford will be our new Commander. Robin has demonstrated amazing leadership as our Vice Commander and is dedicated to the principals and the mission of the Legion. I am also excited to have our relatively new members Kathy Moroney and Erik Hobson agree to be our Finance Officer and Adjutant respectively. Bob Raudenbush, our current Finance Officer and Adjutant, has been on my team during my tenure as Commander and I know he is as excited as I am to be able to turn over the reigns to the next generation.

Thanks to Bob Curtis and Chris Goodwin, incoming Chaplain and 2nd Vice Commander respectively, for stepping up and being part of the new leadership team. Joel Morley, Fran Nicoletta, Ron Edwards, Ed Harmon, and Christopher Armstead will provide continuity as they continue on the leadership team as 1st Vice Commander, Historian, Sgt-at-Arms, Service Officer, and Americanism Officer respectively. During the past couple years, our Chaplain, Al Sirois, has been our Post most active and effective recruiter and ambassador. The current leadership team felt that his efforts were so important to the organization that we established a new officer position of "Ambassador." So, Al is changing his role as Chaplain to that of Ambassador. So, at our meeting on 13 June, the gavel will be handed over to Robin as she assumes command of the new leadership team! I am proud of our Post and what we have accomplished and know the new team will bring the Post to a new level of success supporting our veterans, children and youth, and our community in general.

This past year, Governor Mills reinstated the Aides-de-Camp program. Eleven veterans were selected to represent that State’s veterans to serve as liaisons between our veterans and the Governor. The Aides meet with the Governor quarterly. Our Post works closely with two of the Aides-de-Camp, Brenda Pennels and James Bachelder. As veterans, we should take this opportunity to share our thoughts and concerns with the Governor. Do you think the State could do more to support our veteran community? Do we think that property tax relief should be increased from its current level? Do you think enough money is provided through the Maine Bureau of Veterans Services to support homeless veterans or provide financial relief for veterans in need? As you think of things you would like to bring to the Governor's attention or legislation you think she should support, send me an email or call the Hall. We are blessed in this State that we, as veterans, have the ability to communicate with the leadership of the VA and the State on a regular basis. We should take advantage of this!

The next breakfast is May 22 and the next Post monthly meeting is 13 June.